圣何塞,加州., -DG真人游戏务公司(“SJW”或“本公司”), 平台登录(纽交所代码:SJW)全资子公司, 今天宣布捐赠285美元,000给当地的非营利组织, 社区组织, 以及其他慈善机构, 比2019年增长26%. 捐款由公司股东出资.

Supporting local organizations with financial contributions 和 employee volunteer time are the foundation of the company’s ongoing commitment to improving quality of life in the communities it serves.

While the company was unable to provide in-person volunteerism during most of 2020 due to COVID-19, financial donations were increased to support organizations most affected by the p和emic, 包括无家可归者收容所, food banks 和 donations made to organizations in need of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Giving in 2020 also included donations to help promote racial equality 和 educational opportunities for disadvantaged groups. These include the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) 和 San Jose Aspires, an educational initiative launched by the office of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo to support underserved San Jose high school students.

SJW继续对Happy Hollow Park的长期支持 & 动物园和瓜达卢佩河公园管理协会.  在Happy Hallow公园 & 动物园, SJW sponsored an important upgrade to the Pacific Fruit Express roller coaster. 一旦公园重新开放, this promises to be a ride enjoyed by many children 和 parents for years to come. The Company also continued its support of the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy as a sponsor of the Window on the River Park program.

除了, San Jose Water supports employees’ efforts to give back to their communities through the San Jose Water Company Employees’ Community Fund.  This separate 501c3 organization leverages employee contributions along with the company match to support employees’ involvement with their local PTAs, 教堂, 小联盟球队和其他组织.

In 2021, SJW intends to continue its support of non-profit organizations providing youth 和 educational enrichment activities, 人类健康和服务, 艺术和文化体验.

“This past year was challenging 和 unprecedented on many levels. It was a time of elevated community need — with our goal being to provide increased support.  We believe there can be no company without community 和 remain steadfast in our commitment to making a positive impact on the health 和 wellness in the communities where we live, 工作和服务,安德鲁·基尔说, DG真人游戏务公司总裁兼首席运营官. “The great strides made in 2020 demonstrate this commitment along with our promise to deliver outst和ing customer service 和 safe 和 reliable water service to the families 和 businesses we serve.”


SJW is also committed to continuous improvement of its 供应商的多样性 Program in which the company strives to work with Diverse Business Enterprises (DBEs) that reflect its community, 包括少数族裔企业, 女性拥有的企业(WBE), 残疾退伍军人企业(DVBE)和女同性恋, 同性恋, 叫cazuza, 以及跨性别(LGBT)的dbe. Company purchases from DBEs grew from 13% of controllable expenditures in 2019 to 30% in 2020. 

了解更多关于DG真人游戏的信息 社区给.


成立于1866年, DG真人游戏务公司是一家投资者拥有的公用事业公司, 和 is 其中之一 largest 和 most technically sophisticated urban water systems in the United States. The company serves over one million people in the greater San Jose metropolitan area. 圣荷西水务公司隶属平台登录, a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SJW. SJW Group also owns: Connecticut Water Company in Connecticut; Maine Water Company in Maine; 和 SJWTX, 公司. (dba Canyon Lake Water Service Company). 要了解更多关于DG真人游戏的信息,请访问: sh-fyz.com.

请跟随平台登录 脸谱网, Instagram推特 获取公司最新消息.


This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, 修订的. Some of these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “believes,”“预计,”“可能,”“会,”“应该,”“寻求,”“大约,”“计划,”“计划,”“估计,”“项目,”“战略,或“预期”,” or the negative of those words or other comparable terminology.

These forward-looking statements are only predictions 和 are subject to risks, 不确定性, 以及难以预测的假设. The accuracy of such statements is subject to a number of risks, 不确定性和假设包括, 但不限于, 以下因素:(1)水的影响, 实用程序, 环境和其他政府政策法规, 包括有关差饷的行动, 授权股本回报率, 法定资本结构, capital expenditures 和 other decisions; (2) changes in dem和 for water 和 other services; (3) the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) p和emic on our business operation 和 financial results; (4) unanticipated weather conditions 和 changes in seasonality; (5) climate change 和 the effects thereof; (6) unexpected costs, charges or expenses; (7) our ability to successfully evaluate investments in new business 和 growth initiatives; (8) the risk of work stoppages, strikes 和 other labor-related actions; (9) catastrophic events such as fires, 地震, 爆炸, 洪水, 冰雪风暴, 龙卷风, 飓风, 恐怖主义行为, 物理攻击, 网络攻击, or other similar occurrences; (10) changes in general economic, 政治, business 和 financial market conditions; (11) the ability to obtain financing on favorable terms, 哪些会受到各种因素的影响, 包括信用评级, 利率的变化, 遵从法规要求, compliance with the terms 和 conditions of our outst和ing indebtedness, 和 general stock 和 debt market conditions; 和 (12) legislative 和 general market 和 economic developments.

除了, actual results are subject to other risks 和 不确定性 that relate more broadly to our overall business, including those more fully described in SJW Group’s filings with the SEC, 包括最近的10-K表格报告, 表格10-Q和表格8-K. 前瞻性陈述并非对业绩的保证, 只说到约定的日期, 和 we undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements except as required by law.



Suzy Papazian, 平台登录




Liann Walborsky


408-918-7247, Liann.Walborsky@sh-fyz.com